The Pool on {Disposable} Film

 The Pool on {Disposable} Film 

As we enter the dog days of summer, it's hard to concentrate on anything other than soaking up every ounce of the remaining summer days. I for one find it hard to make time to sit in front of the computer to write posts or do anything. Typically, I spend my summer days by the pool & opt to do work in the evening as winters in Ohio can be very long. 

pool ladder
Pierson Park, Swimming Pool, New Castle Pa 

Alongside lacking in motivation, I also typically find myself in a photography rut during the summer months as I am not sure entirely why, but it seems to happen each summer. 

One way to get me out of a photography rut is to try a new medium. I have taken disposable film cameras on trips before { see here & here}, but never one to the pool. 

Below, I am sharing the swimming pool on a Kodak Waterproof Disposable Film Camera. The images are not perfect, but the combination of sun-soaked & grainy film photos really has a seasonal nostalgia to them. 

Mind you, film photography, even simple point & shoot film cameras has gained so much attention & popularity over the course of the past few years, that the idea of shooting anything on film is always a dreamy & welcomed idea. 

I encourage you to get your creative minds flowing with new inspiration this summer by trying your hand at a different photo medium, whatever your choice may be, hopefully, you'll see the same old with a set of fresh eyes. 

If you are looking to inspire your photography, I wrote a post sharing {free} online resources to inspire your photography

The Pool On Disposable Film

pool summer film photos
Me in my 'worn' H&M Ribbed Swimsuit 

boy jumping off the diving board
New Castle, Pa, Pierson Park 

woman in swim dress
Mom reading her magazines 

Twisted Lemonade
Lilly Pulitzer Cooler 

J Crew Tee Shirt Dress

swim lane
 Lap Lane on Kodak Film 

kids swimming underwater

Follow along on Twitter @chef_katelyn for more photo content. 

"Summer's the same. We are the ones changing."--'The Summer I Turned Pretty' 

swimming pool

pool ladder