5 Things to Love About August & End Summer Blog Break

Presque Isle Erie, Pa

 5 Things to Love About August & End Summer Blog Break

Conneaut Ohio
Conneaut, Ohio 

Five things to love about X month is a monthly series where I share 5 things I love or look forward to with the arrival of the new month. 

August is one of those weird months where I feel sandwiched between all the summer fells & the tingles of autumn. Sometimes, I am ready to let summer go & embrace the crisp air & pumpkin goodness. Other seasons, I am clutching onto summer, squeezing every last juice drop. 

It's also the month where I begin to fall clean as I know I will want to partake in all of the fall activities once September gets underway. 

August is also a month were I feel a little burnt out-uninspired. This year, I am deciding to take a blog break toward the end of August through Labor Day as well as a break from social media. I think it's good to reset during the process of a new season transition. Cleaning, enjoying the seasonal weather/activities/ & staying off line is a great way to reset.

Seagull on the shore
Lake Erie, PA 


 5 Things to Love About August 

  1. Day Trips: If you haven't ready my Presque Isle blog post, you won't know the importance of summer day trips. They are great ways to breakup the mundane day-to-day happenings & regain inspiration. If you haven't been to Lake Erie in a hot minute, I encourage you to go!
  2. Summer Fruits: Right now, I am enjoying all of the summer-in-season fruits. Now is the time to bite into a juicy peach or a deep purple plum--yum!
  3. Summer Jazz: It may come to no surprise, but I love jazz. While I am no music expert, jazz has many moods--rainy jazz, autumn jazz, chill jazz, jazzy jazz, you get the picture. I found the saxophonist, Deep Chill  on IG last summer--it's such a jazzy-summer-jazz sound-I am listening to it right now!
  4. End-of-Summer-Organization: August is the time of year where I declutter prior to fall cleaning. There is something very gratifying about cleaning out drawers & closets prior to a new season arriving. 
  5. Halloween/Fall Crafting: If you are planning on crafting/decorating for fall, now is the month to hit up the Dollar Tree, Joann's, & the other store to buy your supplies. If you wait, stores will sell out & probably be onto the next holiday. 
Thanks so much for reading. I encourage you to partake in an end-of-summer unplugging too!

Presque Isle, Erie, PA
Lake Erie