DIY Winter Squirrel & Bird Biscuit Feeders

Diy bird feeder

 DIY Winter Squirrel & Bird Biscuit Feeders 

In this winter DIY post, I am sharing how to craft winter bird & or squirrel biscuit feeds from dog Milkbones & simple string. 

Oh, the weather outside is sometimes frightful--You never know if February days will offer snow, rain, wind, or gloomy skies. Somedays, if we're lucky, the sun will break through the gloom casting a glow of hope that warmer {prettier} days are on the way. 

During the long winter days {they really do feel long} I try to give myself entertaining things to gawk at that will pique my curiosity {& hopefully, imagination}.  Nature is always a go-to, crafting DIY bird & squirrel biscuit bird feeders to have the bird enjoy outside the window certainly draws my attention {& camera lens}.

I have a local squirrel, Walter, & a lot of birds that gather--the cold doesn't seem to trouble them. While there is bird seed outdoors, these DIY bird & squirrel biscuits are cute & easy to make. 

You can make them one of two ways, peanut butter & birdseed for birds {although squirrels don't care} or crushed walnuts with peanut butter for squirrels. 

I added a fun seasonal bow on mine, but you can omit that if you like. 

DIY Winter Squirrel & Bird Biscuit Feeders 

You'll Need:

  • Milbone Dog biscuits {the big ones are great}
  • Peanut Butter
  • Crushed Walnuts {or peanuts}
  • Birdseed 
  • String
  • Hot Glue
winter nature crafts
DIY Winter Squirrel & Bird Biscuit Feeders 

DIY Winter Squirrel & Bird Biscuit Feeders
Winter Nature Crafts 


These DIY winter squirrel & bird biscuits are really simple to make. Take your dog's Milkbone & cover it with peanut butter up to the top nub of the biscuit. Dip the covered Milkbone treats into either your birdseed or crushed nuts. Hot glue twine on top of the uncoated Milkbone & add your bow. 

red cardinal
Winter Cardinal 

squirrel in tree

Hot tip, freeze treats overnight so seeds/nuts stay secured on dog biscuits. Hang outside on nearby trees/windows. Both you and the animals will enjoy these winter homemade bird feeders. 

dog biscuit bird feeder