Yellow Is: A Poem

Yellow Is

By Katelyn Chef 


Yellow is
The first bloom of a longly anticipated spring

Yellow is 
No, wait in the Starbucks line

Yellow is
A smile on a crowded street

Yellow is 
Sunflowers & mason jars

Yellow is
Vintage Punch-Buggy sightings

Yellow is 
New glasses & fresh perspective 

Yellow is
A handwritten card

Yellow is 
Cozy socks & warm coffee cups

Yellow is
Breakfast for dinner

Yellow is
Pumpkin scented candles

Yellow is
Passport in hand & no real plan

Yellow is 
Kisses from your dog 

Yellow is 
The neighborhood pool to yourself 

Yellow is 
New Netflix episodes to binge

Yellow is
A stargazing kind-of-night 

Yellow Is
Toasted pumpkins seeds on All Hallow's Eve 

Yellow is
Giving, but not receiving 

Yellow is
An ice cream cone in-hand

Yellow is 

Yellow is
The Yellow Spectacles 


  1. SO CUTE!! Yellow is for sure all of things. Love the mason jar reference!


  2. I have so much stinking love for this poem I can't express it in words. YES, YES, YES!!!! YELLOW IS THIS POEM, YELLOW IS YOU bc you are a rayyy of sunshine!!!!!
    - Meg |
