Hello to a New Yellow Spectacles: Blog Redesign

Hello, yellow! It's April & last month I got the {unanticipated} urge to re-vamp my blog's page. It was something I planned as I was still very happy with the current appeal, but like life, style, & home decor I always feel that minor updates & tweaks are essential to maintaining a current presence.

Since my blog is my online representation of me I wanted this space to be a bit more interactive & organized.  If you notice, my content is grouped together so cohesive posts can be searched & appear together--something I feel is more user-friendly! 

The original Yellow Spectacles 💛 

If you'll recall my "Insta Story Highlights" post I was able to take Park & Mads custom illustrations to my blog--I have to say, it's my favorite part about the new look!

icons by Park & Mads 

I don't want to go on & on about the new design, but I do want to encourage you to take a look around--if you're reading via email subscription please {just this once} open my URL in your browser to get the full blog's effect!

Lastly, while this is a new look {I run my site from Blogger} but I stayed with the same web designer---Fearne Creative Designs. I cannot say enough good things about Eve, her templates, & her efficiency--100% recommend her services if you use blogger--she also does a few things with WordPress. 

"Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go of who we think we're supposed to be & embrace who we are." --Brene Brown

Shop My Shirt Options  

Overall, I want this blog to be a creative hub, imaginative resource, & above all, a happy outlet to click, read, pin, & explore. I hope you enjoy the new design as much as I do!

Let me know your thoughts on Twitter @chef_katelyn  Thanks for stopping by!! 💛


  1. The new layout looks so good! I love the Instagrams pics at the bottom!



  2. Love the new design + those covers are adorable! Its always nice to change things up a little bit
    - Meghan | prepsterinpearls.com

  3. Love everything that you updated!! Looks adorable! I have actually been wanting to re-vamp and rebrand my blog, I'm definitely going to check out the designer you mentioned!
    xo, Syd

    1. oh, I hope this helps & yes, Eve (the designer) is so good-and nice!!--Katelyn/www.theyellowspeectacles.com
