Love Thy Selfie This New Year!

BaubleBar & Target
A New Year...a New You? Well, I am not 100% sold on the New Year's Resolutions that get made with the intention{s} of maybe {probably} not keeping them most of the time.

Here's an idea..instead of making a list of things you'd like to change about yourself & your life..why not make a list of the things you love about yourself & your daily existence?

Love Yo Selfie

While you have the right idea of cutting back on the sugar & salt why not proclaim to use more confetti in your daily life or dress up your cell phone just because you can?

Keeping with the love your self{ie} theme, have you experienced the Target & BaubleBar tech collection?

Sparkly Cases 

They have arm loads of fun, fresh, & sparkly tech gadgets--like phone cases, headphones, & the cutest gold polka-dot selfie stick!

 I rarely take selfies, this cute stick comes in handy for blog-able moments. Plus, it says, "Love Your Selfie" right on the handle!

Love Your Selfie 

So, I am taking Target's & Baublebar's advice as I continue to ring in 2016 loving my selfie & snapping a few pics along the way.

Happy New Year! & Shop the affordable Target & BaubleBar Collection Below! Whoo!

1 comment

  1. Baublebar and Target are two of my favorite companies--what a match made in Heaven!

    Tori A. from Prep For A Day
