#BowandDrape |
At Bow & Drape you'll be motivated to create your garments by the same things that the Bow & Drape founder, Aubrie Pagano was (and still to this day) inspired by--timeless fashion role modes a la Audrey Hepburn and classically elegant style.
Bow & Drape comments on the magic of their fashion success, stating, "We think it should be different. And by fusing technology with haute design, we believe that women can have a real connection with their clothing again."So, if you're someone whose falls asleep while looking through clothing racks at the mall then you better click on over to Bow & Drape. At the custom retail site, you'll be able to pick from an array of tops, bottoms, silhouettes, colors, trims, and more. All of their made-to-go creations are sewn, trimmed, hemmed, and shipped in 14 days from NYC.
#Bow&Drape |
You'll smile and say, "Bow & Drape darling..Bow & Drape."
Share all of your fashion customized goodies using the hash tag #BowandDrape
Great post! I love Bow & Drape:)